대학유학 University

Study Design in Singapore - Raffles Singapore

Link Aid Edu 2022. 1. 31. 17:30

Raffles Singapore will offer an early bird discount to international students for our next intake, April 2022 and you may refer to the promotion details below.


  1. Application fee waiver
  • Valid from 4th December 2021 to 3rd February 2022
  • Applicable for April 2022 only.
  • The date of the remittance slip must be within the validity period. Complete document must be submitted. (Duly completed application form and academic results).
  • The paid application fee will be deducted from their last instalment tuition fee.
  • The paid application fee is non-refundable and transferable. 


  1. Tuition Fee rebates
  • To pay application fee during the mentioned period above.
  • Applicable for April 2022 only and not applicable for any deferment.
  • Students will be granted the tuition fee rebates, when they pay 1s installment stated in their letter of acceptance.
  • The rebates will be deducted from their last installment tuition fee (and forfeited if a student withdraws).


Programme Levels & Duration Tuition Fee Rebates +
Application Fee Waiver
Diploma – 6 months SGD 267.50 + SGD 535
Diploma + Advanced Diploma + Bachelor – 3 years SGD 5,350 + SGD 535
Diploma + Advanced Diploma + Bachelor + Master – 4 years SGD 7,490 + SGD 535= SGD8,025




If you are interested in Raffles Singapore, please feel free to contact  Link Aid through kakao talk or line (ID: linkaid) or wechat (ID:  linkaid_education).  Link Aid provides students with a free consultation.
